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2024-12-13 12:33:32

As of the lunch break, important signals have responded positively! In the afternoon, the A-share market is likely to usher in a full-line surge.As of the lunch break, important signals have responded positively! In the afternoon, the A-share market is likely to usher in a full-line surge.Dear friends, are you ready?

Anyway, in my opinion, is everyone ready? The important signal has responded positively! In the afternoon, the A-share market is likely to usher in a full-line surge. The above are personal opinions, for reference only, and do not constitute any investment advice. The stock market is risky and investment needs to be cautious.As we all know, after the market shrinks sharply, as long as there is moderate or obvious heavy volume in the next market, the market situation is worth looking forward to. From now on, there is moderate heavy volume in the A-share market. Under such circumstances, the A-share market may usher in a full-line surge in the afternoon.As we all know, after the market shrinks sharply, as long as there is moderate or obvious heavy volume in the next market, the market situation is worth looking forward to. From now on, there is moderate heavy volume in the A-share market. Under such circumstances, the A-share market may usher in a full-line surge in the afternoon.

As for why I said that the A-share market is about to rise across the board in the afternoon? What are the important signal responses?As of the lunch break, important signals have responded positively! In the afternoon, the A-share market is likely to usher in a full-line surge.Dear friends, are you ready?

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